Thursday, 19 June 2014

Santorini–a gem

The title says it all. But first…

Today was a big one – all day wandering around Santorini, part of the Greek Isles (south of the mainland, north of Crete). As a result we were up early – thankfully not feeling too worse for wear after last night – to see this as we came into the caldera:
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Pretty soon our day was underway, with visits to the main towns, the Acrotiri  archaeological site (check out the Minoans on Wikipedia) before stopping for a Greek afternoon tea (tomato, cheese, olives and wine). It is probably better to let the pictures do the talking:
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If you've read this far, then you probably understand that Deb and I have been blown away by this place.

Yes, it is hot and a bit dusty, but the views are sensational, the people friendly and the food is marvelous. If you event give a thought to visiting the eastern Mediterranean, then this place is a must.

This is as far south as we go this time around. We now turn round and head north to Athens.

1 comment:

  1. Glorious...the architecture is brilliant. I have a coffee table book on Greece; and many hours over the years I've spent drooling over the scenery and the wonderful, stark yet enticing buildings like those you've shown in these pics.
